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Bar Owner Toolkit

Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) exist within communities, and within those communities there are businesses operating that can, at times, hinder the principles of higher education – namely safety. Historically, college administrators and practitioners have often seen this hinderance as an “us vs. them” relationship, but the reality is that all involved want the same thing in the end – for the “consumer” (whether of higher education or of the business) to have fun and to be safe. This toolkit developed by Partners in Prevention can help guide leveraging relationships between the bar and restaurant industry and your institution.

  1. How to Leverage Relationships between the Bar and Restaurant Industry and your Institution
  2. Calendar for reaching out to establishments
  3. Draft email to bar owner
  4. Bar owner meeting agenda

How to Leverage Relationships between the Bar and Restaurant Industry and your Institution

Calendar for reaching out to establishments

Draft email to bar owner

Bar owner meeting agenda